December 2020: Lions Club Donation:
Le Lions Club de Douala – La Gaieté a offert pour Noël 2020 une aide financière pour 16 familles libanaises.
La somme a été remise à Tur Levnon qui a commencé aussitôt la première partie de la distribution.
Nous remercions chaleureusement le Lions Club du Cameroun à travers sa représentante Madame Elham Lteif.
The Lions Club of Douala - La Gaieté offered for Christmas 2020 financial assistance for 16 Lebanese families.
The sum was given to Tur Levnon who immediately began the first part of the distribution.
We warmly thank the Lions Club of Cameroon through its representative Mrs. Elham Lteif.
ܛܘܪ ܠܒܢܢ ♱ ܚܘܝܕܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܡܪܘܢܝܐ
Tur Levnon / Social Department
Some of the children who received laptops from Tur Levnon (with Jingle Bells in syriac)
As a part of its mission of helping lebanese to stay in their ancestors’ land, Tur Levnon distributed a large number of laptops to children enabling them to follow their courses online.
M. Akram Nehmé and Dr Amine Iskandar from Tur Levnon.
Here are Marie-Thérèse, Charbel and Elias receiving their laptops from Tur Levnon president Dr Amine Iskandar.
Social Department of Tur Levnon for helping families in need.
1- providing help for food.
2- providing 500000LL per family for crucial necessities
3- helping in rebuild damaged houses in Beirut
Tur Levnon is here to help
Tur Levnon is on your side
Stay attached to your sacred country Lebanon.
We understand your pain and your needs
A special big thank from Tur Levnon to all of our generous donators:
- from worldwide: Anonymous and Tur Levnon members in Lebanon, New York, Florida,Canada.
- from Sweden: Syriac Orthodox Church,Syriac Federation,Syriac Aramean Youth Federation,Syriac Aramean Academic Federation.
BEIRUT BLAST (august 4, 2020)
Lebanese authorities say that the explosion, which killed at least 220 people, injured more than 5,000 and left an estimated 300,000 people homeless, was caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate which had been stored for 6 years at a port warehouse.
لسرياني_الماروني ترميم بيوتنا حتى نحافظ على #هويتنا د #السرياني_الماروني Tur Levnon المهندس د.أمين اسكندر بيحكي عن مبادرة إعادة ترميم #البيوت_الأثرية ب #بيروت يلي تدمّرت ب٤ آب. ܛܘܪ ܠܒܢܢ܆ ܚܘܝܕܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܡܪܘܢܝܐ بالفيديو: رئيس الإتحاد
Tur Levnon / Social Department
بيوتنا تدمّرت بس نحنا شعب القيامة. ولكل يلي ما بيعرف تاريخنا، منطمّنوا انو قلبنا مدمّر بس قلبنا منرمّموا بالإيمان، قلبنا مش للبيع. #بيوت_الأشرفية_مش_للبيع
Dr Amine Iskandar speaks about restauration of historical houses damaged by Beirut explosion.
O Beirut in syriac by Layal Nehmé (Tur Levnon edition)
Hail Mary in syriac by Layal Nehmé : asking Holy Mary to protect Lebanon (Tur Levnon edition)
ܝܚܐ ܘܫܘܢܝܐ ܕܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ Nio7o w shunoyo d Yoldat Aloho نياح وانتقال #والدة_الله #Hail_Mary in the language of the #Maronites by Layal Nehmé
Various interviews and articles of Professor Amine Iskandar president of Tur Levnon:
الحياد والإقليمية: https://www.transparencynews.com/news/108010
Al Nashra El 3elmiya from RLL:
See also
the oncoming videos by Professor Amine Iskandar at: https://tur-levnon.org/syriac-identity-of-lebanon/
Every tuesday president of Tur Levnon malfono Dr Amine-Jules Iskandar touches on Tur Levnon Facebook page :
- Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/TurLevnon/and Tur Levnon Media Group:https://www.facebook.com/TurLevnonMG/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDVpB4DoM5287khYMjcMJA
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/turlevnon?lang=fr and
Mid 20th century: Malta chose cultural independence from North Africa, Cyprus chose cultural independence from the Middle East, lost 50% territory to preserve this independence. Today they are modern countries, part of Europe. Lebanon is less than a country #BarJulius #TurLevnon
— ܬܐܘܕܪܘܣ ܒܪܝܘܠܝܘܣ ܐܠܟܣܢܕܪ Amine Bar-Julius Iskandar (@Amineiskandar2) May 5, 2018
- Maronite page in spanish: https://www.maronitas.org
- Maronite Cultural Center: https://maronitecultural.center
- Maronite Heritage: https://maronite-heritage.com
- Beith Souryoyé Morounoyé: http://www.beith-morounoye.org/
- Syriac Reference Portal: Syriaca: http://syriaca.org/
- Syriac Reference Portal: Beth Mardutho: http://bethmardutho.org/
- Digitized Beth Mardutho library in archive.org: https://archive.org/search.php?query=beth%20mardutho
- Another important syriac reference portal in arabic : https://dss-syriacpatriarchate.org/
- Syriac Digital Library: EBethArke: http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/projects/ebetharke/about.html
- Syriac Studies: excellent monthly articles and Karabashi syriac courses: http://www.syriacstudies.com/
- Canadian Society for Syriac Studies: http://csss.nmc.utoronto.ca/
- Gorgia Press: huge library directed by George Kiraz: https://www.gorgiaspress.com/
- Archive.org: many free syriac books: https://archive.org/search.php?query=syriac&page=2
- Nesro Suryoyo: http://www.nesrosuryoyo.com/ : nice site directed by malfono ardakhlo Samir Roham.
- Derek Dilan in arabic: http://www.malikyadilan.com/forum/index.php
- Bkerki Maronite Website: http://bkerki.org/
- Syriac Catholic Patriarchate: http://www.syr-cath.org/
- Syriac Orhodox Patriarchate: http://syrian-orthodox.com/news.php:
- Chaldean Patriarchate: http://saint-adday.com/?cat=12
- Catholic Assyrian Church of the East : http://assyrianchurch.org/patriarchate/
- Assyrian Orthodox Church: http://assyrianorthodox.org/about-us/
- Syro-Malabar (Catholic) Church (Indian): http://www.syromalabarchurch.in/
- Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church (Indian): http://mosc.in/downloads
- Suryoyo sat: http://suryoyosat.com/live/live-tv/
- Suboro TV: http://suborotv.net/.
- Suroyo TV: https://www.youtube.com/user/Suroyotvnews/
- Assyrian TVS: Ashur TV: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashur_TV; Ishtar TV:http://www.ishtartv.com/; Assyria TV: http://www.assyriatv.org/
- Radio Beth Gazo: http://radiobethgazo.com/
- Radio Malankara: http://www.radiomalankara.com/